Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bonus Post!

Well, it was supposed to be five months from post to post, but instead you had to wait just under four months!

IFL rules!


JimmyJames said...

Uh Great Bonus Post. Keep it up, you Silver Back sillyman.

And here are some great keywords to attact the internet underbelly to this Bonus Post:

Natalie Portman Naked, Snakes on a Plane, Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane, Pamela Anderson Sex tape, Britney Spears boob job, Black on Blonde, nude, subway, wiener, caught, door,

Go Pitbulls Go IFL!

Anonymous said...

Internet Ninja's crave Keira Knightly. Zoloft wanker freak loves midget porn. Depeche Mode revival stirs necromancy revolution via transgender smacktards. W00t!