Well, it was supposed to be five months between posts the last time and I was a little early. So here is your five-month post, right on schedule!!! Five months and eight days later, you finally have what you have thirsted for.
So I looked at this blog today and I could see the dates of the last three posts, the third of which was October 15, 2005. Then I realized it was no shock at all that I have posted just twice since then.
Four days after that post, my healthy (thank you, Jesus) triplets were born. Then 19 days thereafter, my parents got into a horrific car accident that left my father very, very banged up and cost my mother her life.
The ensuing adjustment to life as a father, let alone a father of three, let alone a father of three infants at the same time, would have been more than enough for me to handle. But losing my mom and nearly my dad less than three weeks later just sent my already spinning world spinning 30 times faster.
Somehow, someway, we got through it. There were many tough nights, more tough days, tons of tears shed, and a lot of family, friends and strangers stepping up with selfless acts that helped. And prayers work, too.
So here I am, 15 months later, still fat and not keeping enough watch of what I am eating and barely keeping alive this blog. Fortunately, things seem to be under control now and moving along, especially with the kids, who are truly amazing.
Sorry this is not going to be a love-in blog with tons of things about the kiddies mixed in, like Dooce. Instead, let me change gears for a second and talk about something new, a great project that Ted and I are working on right now.
Since I have proven to be such a responsible blogger, I have now decided to take it to the next step and sart a podcast.
"The Ron Show, Featuring Joe & Ted: Mundane Family Entertainment" is the name of our effort. We have had a lot of fun putting together the first five shows (to date). Episode Six will be recorded Wednesday night at 10 p.m. EDT, and we're keeping that weekly production schedule for the foreseeable future.
Right now we're still figuring out the details of how to make it a quality-sounding podcast and get it out there in distribution so people can subscribe and listen. We're also working on the technical quality, so if you have any tips, please share.
Right now we're basically recording our video chats on Skype in four segements around 15 minute apiece and calling them a show or episode.
If you want to be part of the show, get in touch with Ted or with me, and we'll arrange to have you on. The easiest way is to download Skype, and have us add you on a chat. The other way, right now, is to have Ted call you during the show and doing it over the phone. I prefer adding show guests to a conference on Skype, because the quality is better.
All of this will evolve.
If you do join us through Skype, you need not worry about having to be seen on your webcam. Right now the technology only allows two people to do a video chat, and once the third person and additional people (up to nine, total) join in, it switches to audio only.
Those who join us on the show should note that they are responsible for their own comments, same as they would be if they were on any radio show. This stuff is out there on the Web for people to hear.
If I find this blog useful to compliment the podcast, then you'll be directed here and seeing more posts, pictures, etc. If not, and we find a site for the show, then you'll be re-directed or directed there.
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A bold venture! You are to be commended for putting yourselves (and let's not forget Ron) out there.
I look forward to being a special guest, much the way I was back in 1991 at Fordham on WFUV's "One On One" when Jeff accidentally dumped the one guy that had a question for me.
Of course I am working on my version of The Tough Asshole story which may or may not culminate with Ron yacking in our bedroom and then trying to pass it off on me.
Ted is a retard. Banish him.
I've been down to the show, but still not a special guest. Sigh.
BTW congrats on no longer being fat. Or as fat. As for me, I'm down from 226 back in September to 213-214. Not exactly slim, but we'll get there!
And wow -- how far the RON Show has come!
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